TGIF?... no, not for us anyways, at least we had good company! Jessica agreed to brave the doctors visit with us so I didn't have to go by myself. To some reading this you might not know what that means but that meant me, Jessica, Alexis, Hunter and our favorite twins, Cora and Finn!

Breakfast Club
We signed in and I took Alexis to the bathroom while we are waiting, only to attempt to return to the waiting room and be greeted by two techs with paperwork trying to take one kid in a separate direction. Does that sound like a good idea to anyone? One mom, two kids, two traumatic procedures in two separate rooms!? They didn't seem to care and claimed they were just trying to help us because our appointment was already going to be long enough. So Jessica took Hunter and Cora in one room and me, Alexis and Finn went to another room. The second we walked into the room Alexis started to freak, mind you I already explained what was going to happen, she would get stickers and we were going to look at her heart and it wouldn't hurt and she was fine with the idea. The tech was less than amused to be dealing with Alexis at this point. I got Alexis sitting on the table and said let's get stickered, the tech said no she needs to be laying down... she wasn't going to lay down. The tech finally obliged and started putting stickers on, Alexis wasn't happy but she was handling until she saw the wires attached to the stickers.
She freaked! Instead of the tech trying to show them to Alexis or put the stickers on without the wires she just kept going. Needless to say Alexis ripped all the stickers off. So I looked at the tech and said what are the other options if she doesn't cooperate? (I was already half holding her down at this point) and she said just that you hold her down, so I said okay... let's do this and Alexis started kicking. With the crappiest attitude she looked at me and said I'm not doing that and I'm not getting kicked today. She's going to have to get a sedated Echo.... Are you kidding me!? She freaked out this much getting her blood pressure taken 3 days ago and we thought this would be easy??? At this point the door opened and the other tech came in carrying Hunter, followed by Jessica, followed by the cardiologist. The cardiologist knew I wasn't happy and Jessica said she wasn't happy when she walked into Hunters room and realized I wasn't with him. Supposedly that tech got 2 pictures and said that was enough. I expressed my concerns of what had taken place so far and said I was not happy about getting 2 pictures of Hunters heart and non of Alexis' after we drove all the way here. She said we could keep trying with Alexis and then try Hunter again with me in the room. Alexis finally went through with it and the tech said she got "most" of the pictures she needed.
So round 2 for Hunter, I'm holding Hunter down, Jessica's holding his legs and the tech gets started she spent 5 minutes (it felt like a lot longer then 5 minutes) looking at his heart pretending like we were getting what we needed while Hunter is screaming, then she gets up and says none of these pictures turned out because every time he took a deep breath it covered his heart... IT TOOK YOU 5 MINUTES TO FIGURE THAT OUT?!!!! At this point I was done, the cardiologist said she will review what they got from the Echoes or lack there of and see if we need to do more or if it was enough information and she asked if I still wanted to try EKG's and their blood work today. I asked if the blood work people in this office were actually good with kids or not, I wasn't going to torture them with an inexperienced tech. I was assured they do peds all day, they were good. Hunter had an EKG in the hospital so I told her she can look that up but we can try Alexis' still as long as whoever does it takes the time to explain what they are doing first.
Alexis and I were moved to a smaller room for the EKG and Jessica took the kids out to the waiting room. I was getting frustrated with how long we were waiting I was getting ready to call Chris to tell him I was just going to leave and we could reschedule and figure this out another time when the tech (a different one) came in to do the EKG. Lucky for us she was amazing at explaining everything to Alexis! A few random tears were shed but we got the EKG within minutes... amazing what can be done when you care enough to explain things rather than just doing them.
Then blood draws, ohhhhh blood draws. I got mine done first. Alexis refused to go next so we sent her to the waiting room and attempted Hunter. You should guess this by now, they missed. I should have walked away then because I LOVE the girl who does blood draws at sub specialty at University of MD and would not have missed. Seriously, I will never go anywhere else anymore. Alexis' turn, she screamed and it took forever to get the blood they needed but we got it. Then they tried Hunter again, they actually were successful this time. However, they needed so much blood when they were on their third of the five tubes of blood they needed, they lost it (no one was holding the needle, just holding his arm... real smart people!) That was it, we weren't trying again. Poor Hunter was so worked up at one point he just closed his eyes during the blood draw and they said aww is he going to sleep? That wasn't my thought, my thought was holy crap we are going to end up in the hospital!
We high tailed it out of there! The doctor said she would call me that night with the results... she didn't call.
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